DOMETICMOB - Inverters
When you need to use a 230V appliance but you only have 12V or 24V available in your vehicle or boat, you need an inverter. More than with most of our products, choosing the right one is critical: get it wrong and, at best, your 230V appliance won't work; at worst, it may be seriously damaged or even catch fire!
Although there are two types of inverter - modified sine-wave and pure sine-wave, we only sell pure-sine models. These provide electricity which is very close to what comes out of a 230V mains socket at home or at work and will guarantee that all your appliances will work perfectly. For certain equipment, including coffee machines and electric toothbrushes(!), only a pure sine-wave unit will do. If you connect appliances that need a pure sinewave to operate correctly to a modified sine-wave inverter, they will operate inefficiently at best and, at worst, not work at all or even suffer serious damage.
If you want the convenience of having your vehicle's or boat's 230V power sockets live, even when there's no hook-up or shore power available we also have the equipment to enable this.
- Jenny & Trevor, 29/06/2021
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- George Padelopoulos, 14/08/2019
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